Class Evaluation
Some things i liked about this class is I learned how to use my email in many different things and how to make an E-Port. I also learned how to search up reliable websites and i learned about many career path ways. Also the student success statements really did inspire me to be a CTR person. Some things i didn't like about this class are at the begging of the school year i would always fall behind I wouldn't know what to do but until I Mr. Haymore started talking about being a CTR person I actually started to not fall behind and I started to know what to do and I started to like this class more and more. some recommendations to improve this class is well I don't really have any I just wish I had this class at the end of the day so I could have a nice class at the end of the day. A highlight for me in this class is when the class did a project on 10 states I really liked it but I was really behind in it so I had to come after school and I finished it up then. in the begging of the school year I dint really care about this class but the person that sat on the left of me would always distract me when I would actually try to do my work but then Mr. mover her and I started to did much more work and CTR. I am doing my doing my life planning goals but I don't report be cause I always forget to and my phones battery drains fast so I don't have time to do it. Yes I am committed to being a CTR person because I want to do good in life and not suffer on have to not have a good amount of money that's all I want ether to have many or to have a good amount of money.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Life Planning goals
Life planning goals
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9. yes
Monday, December 5, 2016
Challenges Teens Face Today
Some challenges students have nowadays are have to keep their grades up, then finals are coming and maybe some students weren't here on the beginning of the school year. Also the IDPs are also coming and they are right around the corner and me myself still need to fix some stuff and and add more info to what I am going to say and i need to memorize what i am going to say and i am failing a lot of my classes and that is my fault i should have asked for help shouldn't have been scared to come to tutoring. A way i can get my grades up is doing extra credit and going to tutoring and for the IDP i could go to tutoring for Mr. Haymore's class and research some risk factors on breast cancer and i must not procrastinate when i’m doing my assignments ask brother or sister for help and i must choose the right to do all these things and today my sister and her friend are going to pick up some art s and craft stuff and she asked me if i wanted to go and i said sure why not but now that i remember that i have to do something for this class and for the IDP i'm going to tell her that i am going to stay and when she is on her way back to the school could she tell me because i want to walk home with her and i am sure that my partner will understand. Being a CTR person helps me overcoming these challenges by doing the right thing and doing my H.W, not procrastinating and coming to tutoring.Away i can help people overcome some challenges are by showing them how to be a CTR person and helping them with things they need help on.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Student success statement
Student success statement
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” - John F. Kennedy
This statement means to me that doing physical activities and eating the right food for your body and eating at the time you need to isn’t only good for your body it also good on your behavior and for school purposes like when you are going to take a quiz for math and your head hurts your head hurts because you haven't eaten . Also if you eat healthy then it won’t be easy for you to get sick as it is for a person who isn’t very healthy. Also healthy people seem to be more happy.
health science librarian
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and responsibilities:
A health science librarian conducts in-depth research on different medical topics in order to find the latest information available. These librarians are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical, scientific, and biomedical information for texts, journals, and electronic databases. Health science librarians are skilled at producing detailed bibliographies related to many different health fields, as well as publications and abstracts. Their primary task is to use their access to extensive national networks to locate books, journals, and articles a customer may need, no matter where it is in the country. They are employed in various settings like health organization libraries, health information centers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical schools.
Salary: low average - $52,293 high average - $116,200
Students interested in pursuing a career as a health science librarian should take high school courses in biology, algebra, computer skills, chemistry, government, psychology, sociology, typing, data processing, English, office procedures, health occupations/medical professions education, foreign languages, anatomy, history, and literature.
Demands needed for this profession:
Individuals interested in becoming a medical librarian must complete a 4-year baccalaureate program in any discipline they choose. The most common majors for health science librarians include biology, library sciences, management, or health information. Students are encouraged to include as many computer and technology courses in their undergraduate work as possible. Students are also required to have a master's degree in Library and Information Science (MLS) from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited school. Students interested in a career as a health science librarian should contact schools for information on admission and course of study.
Reflection: It would be nice to become Health Science Librarian if i don’t have another career path way when i want to go to college then I would choose this but also you have to do certain things in high school to understand more and i also want to be something, but yeah it wouldn’t be bad to be one you would actually be doing good very good especially for doctors and scientist.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
thanksgiving break
My Thanksgiving Week
I didn’t really do anything exciting in my Thanksgiving week, but what i did during the thanksgiving week, so my niece came over to stay the week and i was always with her and I showed her this band and she really liked it and i was really happy because i follow people on instagram that post stuff about this band and i wanted to show her what the people post so i had to make her know them first. Also when my niece came over i decided to sleep on the floor to be nice, but on the day before Thanksgiving me and my niece went to my other nieces room to sleep with them because their mom wasn’t home. The days before thanksgiving me, my nieces and brother would always play video games but everyday I would go to my room and get my note book of my 100 goals and write in it but i couldn't update it on my electronic portfolio because i would let my youngest niece play games on my phone and my battery dies fast so i wouldn't have time to do it. On thanksgiving day i woke up took a shower went to my nieces room to play games with them on their moms Xbox one also listen to music on it because i would ask them if i could and they would always say yes my and my niece that came over to stay the week would always put the band i told her about it is a korean boy band called bts she loves a song of them that is called “i need u girl” she always tells me to put that song on. Also me and my nieces would play hide-and-go-seek. Me and my nieces would always stay up late and the day before thanksgiving i stayed up until 5 in the morning but the niece that came to stay over went to sleep at 6 am i told her how did she do it oh but then i said to myself she had her two phones with her how could she not have stayed up late and they were both charged i would have stayed up late if i had two phones.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Student success statement
Student Success Statement
“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.”
Marcus Aurelius
This statement means if it is the wrong thing to do then don't do it and if what you are saying is not true then don't say it. Like if you take something from a store without paying and someone ask how much did it cost and where did you get it and you don't know where you got it you just went in the nearest store and you didn't check how much it cost then you are doing two bad things in one day and you were being a CTW person. Also in your friend is doing something after school and you parent is waiting for you and you say that it is ok that they are waiting for you but your parent wants to be there because they are going to be late for work just leave you friend and you can talk to them
student success statment
Student Success Statement
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing"
-Chick Moorman
This Statement means to me you must always do the right thing even though you are going to win or you are going to lose but if you choose the right thing to do you will win all the time. for example if you have a test and you are not doing anything then you should studied Also is you don't know a answer to a question you don't look at your partners test and see what they got, you
Thanksgiving, or thanksgiving Day, is a celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the united States. It originated as a harvest festival. Thanksgiving has been celebrated nationally on and off since 1789, after a proclamation by George Washington. It has been celebrated as a federal holiday every year since 1863, when, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent father who dwelleth in the Heavens.” to celebrated on the last Thursday in November. Together with Christmas and the New Year,Thanksgiving is the part of the broader holiday season.
The event that Americans commonly call the “First thanksgiving” was celebrated by the pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast lasted three days, and-as accounted by attendee Edward Winslow-it was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims. The new England colonists were accustomed to regularly celebrating”Thanksgiving”- days after prayer thanking God for blessings such as military victory or the end of a drought.
Reflection; I am thankful for my mom and brothers and sisters for giving me a home to live in and for my mom to make me food.I am thankful for the teachers that come to school at HPIAM and help me learn and for the friend or classmates that i have here to help me.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
veterans day
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a public holiday on the anniversary of the end of World war I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
Veterans Day is a public holiday on the anniversary of the end of World war I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
- Give Veterans an opportunity to tell their stories.
- Respect Veterans' service, their feelings, and any suggestions they might offer.
- Thank Veterans for their service to our country.
- When Approaching Veterans for their participation, consider bringing another Veteran with you.
- Show appreciation for the families of Veterans.
- Always be sincere, caring, compassionate and ready and able to listen to what a veteran or his or her family member has to share about the situation they are dealing with.
- Be supportive and non-judgmental and always validate their feelings and concerns.
- Be honest, sincere, caring and respectful.
- Accept, without judgment, the Veteran as she/he is.
- It might make longer for some Veterans to trust you. Be patient and listen.
- Expect the Veteran's sharing to occur over a period of time.

Monday, November 7, 2016
student success statement
Student Success Statement
What are the three keys to live a life with integrity?
1. Have the courage to say no. 2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the magic keys to live life with integrity.”
This Statement means to me you have to do the right thing even if you don't want to you gotta because it is the right thing. When people are pressuring you do do something bad say no even if you don't want to do it even if you want to do the wrong thing you must always tell yourself to not do it no matter what.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Student Success Statement
You should always do the right thing even when nobody is doing it and even when people are doing the wrong thing you must always do the right thing because doing the right thing is always a good way to get a good name. When you are at a party and people are telling you to just have a drink so NO, no matter what the case is or just leave or just go to the calm side of the party but it will be better if you just leave. And when everyone is doing the bad thing just go home and watch tv or read a nice book or go on the internet and do research on questions you’ve had for a long time.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
health educator
Health Educator
Duties and responsibilities:
Health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health individuals and communities. Community health workers collect data and discuss health concerns with members of specific populations or communities.
Salary: $51,719 - $66,516
Health educators need a bachelor’s degree. Many employers require the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credential. Requirements for community health workers vary, although they typically have at least a high school diploma and must complete a brief period of on-the-job training. Some states have certification programs for community health workers.
Picture :
Reflection: The pathway of the Health educator does not interest me.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Healthcare Administrator
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and responsibilities:
Clerical Duties. Also known as medical services managers or healthcare executives, healthcare administrators manage the administrative tasks of hospitals, medical laboratories, physician practice and other health care facilities.
Salary: $103,700 - $103,000
Education and demands for this career pathway:
Education and demands for this career pathway:
Bachelor’s or master’s degree in public health or nursing, hospital or business administration.
Reflection: No i don’t want to be a Healthcare Administrator.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Student Success statement
Student Success Statement
What is a champion, a champion is a CTR champion -Noemi Trigueros
Noemi is right that is the the best champion of all champions. I think she said this because she wants kids to get encouraged to become a CTR champion. Also because she is going to be a CTR champion and she wants other students to follow her and make all of them to choose the right. Another reason i think so cause she wants people to look up to her.
Environmental Health Specialist
Health Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
They are
responsible for enforcing local, state, and federal regulations that pertain to
the sanitation food and water, handing of hazardous and infectious wastes, and
cleanliness and safety of housing and institutional environments.
$31,359 - $49,818
and demands for this career:
health specialists may work in state, county, or local health departments,
hospitals, private businesses, wildlife parks, and environmental enforcement
agencies. They are often employed as educators, consultants, and/or
interpreters. Students interested in becoming an
environmental health specialist should take high school courses in algebra,
geometry, trigonometry, calculus, biology, chemistry, physics, English,
literature, computer skills, and health occupations/medical professions education. Individuals interested in
environmental health must have a high school diploma or the equivalent. Most
environmental health specialists earn a bachelor’s degree in environmental
health, but some have a degree in a related field such as biological/chemical
sciences or environmental engineering. Career opportunities can be greatly
advanced by earning a master’s or doctoral degree in this specialty. Optional
certification may be obtained through the National Environmental Health
Yeah I’d like to be a Environmental
Health Specialist because I want to take care of the environment and want to
make sure that people aren’t drinking and eating hazardous and infectious
Friday, October 7, 2016
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get." -Mark Victor Hanson
Setting a goal is very easy but trying to achieve it is very easy but if you put you whole heart into trying to do it then it will be possible then you can set more goals but don't go doing very hard goals from the start you should start little then go up and up until you have completed most of your goals if some of your goals seem impossible don't give up on it just try and try and you will make it but it might take a long time and if you don't have any money to set a goal then you must make a goal to make money.
"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get." -Mark Victor Hanson
Setting a goal is very easy but trying to achieve it is very easy but if you put you whole heart into trying to do it then it will be possible then you can set more goals but don't go doing very hard goals from the start you should start little then go up and up until you have completed most of your goals if some of your goals seem impossible don't give up on it just try and try and you will make it but it might take a long time and if you don't have any money to set a goal then you must make a goal to make money.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
Between August and October of the year of 1451 a man named Christopher Columbus was born. He was the oldest son of a Domenico Columbus, a wool-worker and a small sales merchant. Little did anyone know that this child would grow to become one of the most important historical figures of the world. Columbus was not one of school he received very little formal education and therefore was a self-taught man. So he began working at sea very early in his life. His first voyage was to Aegean Island of Chios, in 1475. One year later he moved to Lisbon, Portugal to live with his brother as a chart maker. Chart making wasn’t Columbus’s destiny as he se off again for sea in 1477.
In 1479 Columbus and his wife Perestrello were wed. They had a son on 1480 and they named him Diego. Five years later Columbus became a widower and soon after began a relationship with beatriz Enriwue de Harana of Corodoba, who provided him a second son, Ferdinand. Columbus and beatrize were never married.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
student success statment
Student Success Statement
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block. -James E. Faust
What I think this means is when you have been obedient for a long time then you are use to it and instead of falling get back up and get better and better it doesn't matter how far deep you have fallen you must get back up and fight and show people that you can do good.
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block. -James E. Faust
What I think this means is when you have been obedient for a long time then you are use to it and instead of falling get back up and get better and better it doesn't matter how far deep you have fallen you must get back up and fight and show people that you can do good.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Veterinarians’ depend upon the areas in which they work. Many veterinarians treat small companion animals. As a small animal vet, you may perform services such as spaying and neutering, setting broken bones, treating wounds and providing geriatric care for older pets.
Salary: $ 84,460
Education and demands for this career:
The path to becoming a veterinarian is not short one. At minimum, veterinarians must obtain doctoral degrees from accredited schools of veterinary medicine. For individuals who love working with animals and want to earn a salary above the national average, becoming a veterinarian might be a path worth taking.
Reflection :
Yes I’d like to become a veterinarian.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Spencer w. Kimball
Student Success Statement
"We learn to do by doing" that is what Spencer W. Kimball said to me what this means to me is you are good at math why because you where doing it, also like if you are really good with vocabulary and have really good hand writing it is because you are doing it. So what it means you are good at something cause you have been doing it and practicing it for a long time or you've been working really hard.
Emergency Medical Technician
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
Your job duties as an EMT can depend on your level of training and experience, as well as state regulations. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) offers certification at five levels, and each level involves additional training in order to perform a greater variety of medical treatments ( The most common levels of training for EMTs are EMT - Basic, EMT - Intermediate, and EMT - Paramedic (commonly called paramedics). The NREMT also certifies EMR (emergency medical responders) and advanced EMTs, although these levels of certification are not recognized in all states. All emergency medical technicians are responsible for rushing to the scene of crisis and can perform basic life-saving techniques, including:
-Patient assessment
-Burn management
-Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
-Emergency birth assistance
-Extrication of patients from dangerous situations
Salary: $31,700
Demands and education for this profession:
Every state and the District of Columbia require EMTs and paramedics to become certified, many requiring registration with the NREMT at some determined level; some states give their certification test. Continued employment as an emergency medical worker, re registration every 2 years, and continuing education courses are required to maintain certification.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Boyd K. Packer
Obedience-->Freedom Boyd K. Packer
"The key to freedom is obediense. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."Is what Boyd K. packer once said. This phrase means that if you don't do the right things then you wont hahve lot of things to do and if you do, do the things you are suppose to do then you will have many more stuff to do.
"The key to freedom is obediense. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."Is what Boyd K. packer once said. This phrase means that if you don't do the right things then you wont hahve lot of things to do and if you do, do the things you are suppose to do then you will have many more stuff to do.
Ear Nose Throat doctor
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and responsibilities:
An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat and related structures of the hand and neck. They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structure of the neck and face. ENT is the oldest medical specialty in the United States.
Salary: $369,790
Education/Demands for this medical career:
To become an ENT doctor, you will begin by pursuing the traditional route to and through medical school. Score well on the MCAT and earn a high undergraduate GPA, especially in the core science courses of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Obtain clinical experiences that allow you to shadow an ENT doctor so that you will begin to understand the realities of the profession. Apply to complete four years of medical school. During the last two years, you can take specialized coursework in otolaryngology
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Alex Linares
Once Alex Linares said "choosing the right is always the right thing to do". What I think Alex meant by this is that you should always choose the right and even when you want to choose the wrong you shouldn't, you should always stay on the good side. Even though choosing the right is going to take a lot of work it will pay off. Like when your'e doing a test and you cheat you'll feel bad when you finish, yeah you got a good score but it wasn't your hard work put into it it was the person next to you, but when you finish a test with all the hard work you put into it you'll feel good about it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
John Wooden
Once John Wooden said "What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player." i think what he means by this is that how you are, your personality is more important than being a basketball player. Like if you had a really bad personality but you are still really good the other players might not like you but you want to talk to people you are going to have to change your personality. Also you have to be a CTR person so you can stay in the team and when you are a CTR person then people will like you and kids would want to be like you.
Marine biologist
Marine Biologist
Duties and responsibilities:
Tasks and duties of a Marine biologist is to study animals in their natural habitats, assessing effects of environment and industry and animals, interpreting finding and recommending alternative operating conditions for industry. Analyze characteristics of animals to identify and classify them.
Salary: $29,460 - $99,663
Education/demands for this career:
Complete a Master’s Program. Some schools offer combined bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in marine biology, allowing students to earn both degrees in less time. The curriculum typically covers research and lab methods, research equipment, and professional science writing.
Reflection: Yes, I’d love to be a Marine Biologist.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Ezra T.Benson
Ezra T.Benson once said "You cannot do wrong and feel right.It's impossible." What he ment by this when he said it no matter how harsh youare no matter how evile you think you are you still feel bad when you do something bad. You can olnly feel right when you do something right, that is why you must always choose the right so you can always happy and when you are happy you can get you work done and you aren't mad.for example what if you where to help out an old lady wouldnt that make you feel good but if you just egnored the old lady you would feel really bad about it tust me it has happened to me once but i really wanted to help her but she was carring a lot of stuff that i couldnt carry cause i was to small and i was alredy carring something. Also put yourself in that persons shoes wouldnt you noyt want to be hurt in some sort way. Also this doesnt just have do deal with how you tret other people its also for educational use like you didnt do a H.W or a project you feel bad that you didnt do it.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Diagnosing oral diseases. Promoting oral health and disease prevention. Creating treatment plans to maintain or restore the oral health of their patients. Interpreting x-rays and diagnostic tests.
Salary:$152,700 - $149,310
Education/Demands for this profession:
Bachelor’s degree prior to admission to dental school; doctoral degree in dental medicine or dental surgery; some dental specializations require completion of a residency
I’m not interested in this medical pathway because i already have a pathway chosen for me.
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